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Reduction -Breast Lift

Breast lift is a surgical procedure in which sagging breasts are restored. Breast ptosis is defined as a breast in which the nipple and areola are at or below the level of the submastoid region. Falling breasts are classified into different types. Fallen breasts mainly affect women after pregnancy and breastfeeding , due to the fluctuation in breast volume. In almost all cases of ptotic breasts the most characteristic finding is the absence of the upper breast pole.


1. Breast lift without volume increase (mastopexy).

In this case the breast has a normal or slightly increased volume. No silicone insert is needed to restore the breast volume. A redistribution of the breast volume is therefore carried out while removing the excess skin of the breast. The incisions involve a peripapillary incision and a perpendicular incision, and the nipple and areola are placed in a higher position, creating at the same time an upper breast pole of sufficient volume.

2. Breast lift with volume augmentation (growth mastopexy).

The lifting technique is carried out in the same way as in simple mastopexy and at the same time a pocket is created, usually under the pectoralis major muscle, and a silicone insert is inserted, which is previously agreed with the patient. The advantage , apart from creating a full upper breast pole, is the support of the remaining mass parenchyma and the additional projection of the breast at nipple level. The incisions and access are the same as in simple mastopexy.
– Duration : Approximately 2 hours , general anesthesia , in hospital.

– No hospitalization needed , patient is discharged from Hospital a few hours after the procedure.

– No drains needed.

– All sutures are absorbable -No need to remove sutures.

– Use of a special bra for 1 month.

– Avoidance of weight lifting and all exercise for 1 month.

– Administration of prophylactic antibiotics and painkillers for 1 week.

– Sleeping in an immobile position (supine) for 1 month.

– Avoidance using a car seat belt for 1 month.


In both cases the result is long-lasting and impressive. The silicone implants used have a lifetime warranty. The final result is fully visible around 6 months after the procedure. The less weight fluctuation by the patient or a subsequent pregnancy – (breastfeeding is avoided) the more long-lasting the result of the breast lift may be.

Before and after

