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Liposuction is the suctioning with a special device (suction device) of a part of a fat substrate. In order to achieve better results and better sculpting in the liposuction area, special assisted liposuction devices are used, such as laser liposuction , Vaser liposuction (ultrasound generating device resulting in an increase in temperature and breakdown of fat) and pulsed liposuction (Vibro lipo).


Liposuction is the procedure used to remove localized excess fatty tissue from the body. It is usually applied to areas such as: the abdomen and sides of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, shins (calves) and ankles, but also on arms (the forearms) or even the face (neck, forearm).
The procedure can be performed either under local and light anaesthesia or under general anaesthesia, depending on the case.
Liposuction is not a slimming method. It is suitable for people who have persistent subcutaneous fat that remains despite weight loss and exercise.

The areas of the body can be performed are as follows:

Neck (double jaw, double chin)
Posterior chest wall (bra area)
Abdomen and sides of the abdomen
Glutes (buns)
Thighs and knees
Shins (calves) and ankles
Arms (forearms)
Anterior chest wall (gynecomastia in men)

It enhances the silhouette and offers a natural result without unevenness and scars.
Improves the self-confidence and psychology of the individual.
Eliminates localized fat in problem areas for a long period of time.


Duration: 1 – 1 ½ hours.

Recovery: rapid. Patient returns to their daily activities immediately.

Treatment: Use of a special corset for one month after surgery and taking prophylactic antibiotics for 4-5 days.

Precautions: Avoidance of weight lifting and any kind of exercise (excluding walking) for one month.

Results: They are immediately visible and the final result is evident between 1 – 1 ½ months after the surgery. This result if the patient follows a balanced diet and exercise program is permanent.

Complications: Extremely rare.

Assisted liposuction methods: as far as assisted liposuction methods are concerned, laser and pulsed liposuction are preferred for more localized liposuction in the practice setting. Vaser assisted liposuction is preferred along with the administration of some type of anesthesia (intoxication or general anesthesia) because the heat generated in the tissues can be disturbing to the patient.

Before and after

